Friday, April 30, 2010

Russia straight out of a Russian's mouth


'll tell you about Russia in the strategic plan.

Soon in Russia one of the most important Russian holidays on May, 9th. This holiday is marked literally by all country. On May, 9th - a Victory Day of the USSR over the nazi Germany. In WW2 the soldier of the USSR according to official figures was lost 27 000 000.

President Dmitry Medvedev - half the Jew. All Russian think that it was put by Putin on the place. That it is a puppet, instead of the present president. And by the way Medvedev's wife the Jew (full, both on the father and on mother)

About the advent of communism in Russia. Prior to this it is in Russia was a civil war between the Reds (Communists) and white - Russian Communists are opposed to (for misc: capitalism, monarchy)

Russia - not an aggressor.
Russia for all history interfered in another's state once, it was Afghanistan. War against Georgia was perfect for the purpose of protection of a peace, not military city in South Ossetia. Without considering times when Russian were Vikings certainly :)
On youtube dung about Russian Americans, why most of all write that Canadians, and as Georgians and Ukrainians. Ukraine - poor, NOT independent the state, Russia sells to Ukraine the goods below the world prices!
Ukrainians - people not presented anything to the world, the people envying the to the neighbour (russians) with which he has lived all life. World is not interested in Ukraine, about ukrainians start talking only on participation in Russian. Ukrainians write shit about russian without addressing to concrete persons. Because ukrainians - are afraid of Russian because in quantity - it is more than Russian than ukrainians. Russian simply do not perceive seriously ukrainians. Ukrainians are afraid of speech aggression from outside Russian. Ukrainians - CAN NOT tell at all, for that they do not love Russian. It is simply stupid people.
Very strongly do not love Russian in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia century because of "occupation" of the USSR of their countries. They so write negative about Russian.
As Finns do not love Russian. Ignorant history ukrainians steal Russian history. And stupid ukrainians suffering by legal infantility extend the lie. Kiev - the important city of state Rus is now as a part of Ukraine. To name state Rus - "Kiev Rus" it is not correct, correctly simple: "Rus". The first capital Rus - city Staraya Ladoga, the second capital Veliky Novgorod both these cities are in structure of present Russia. 75 % of territory Rus are in Russia. The others of 25 % are in Ukraine and Belarus. Here belarussians Russian normally concern, and the ungrateful people Ukrainians always suited all meanness against Russian. Rus became Russia after has accepted the Greek Christianity (Orthodoxy), on Greek Rus it is translated as Russia. Ukraine is translated as suburb, the state and people name speaks about not to a paramount role of ukrainians in state Rus. On one of versions ukrainians it is a mix of russians with mongoloids, ukrainians have more than Europeans Asian mongoloid-haplogroup Q? look Whence it in such considerable quantity? Can because ukrainians are its source?
With Swedes is as conflicts, but they have no offensive character. That Russia with Sweden had many wars. Swedes all time remember a victory over Russian near Narva where the smaller quantity of Swedes has won big in number of an army of Russia. Russian "answer" it to Swedes that Russian too won smaller quantity more in number of an army of Swedes It was war near Poltava. Any of republics of former USSR (except Russia) is not independent state. With Swedes is as conflicts, but they have no offensive character. That Russia with Sweden had many wars. Swedes all time remember a victory over Russian near Narva where the smaller quantity of Swedes has won big in number of an army of Russia. Russian "answer" it to Swedes that Russian too won smaller quantity more in number of an army of Swedes It was war near Poltava.
Japanese Russian does not love, this dislike is the same reason that all the countries who do not like Russia: from Russia with Japan was a war. Now the Japanese want the territory of the Russian Kuril Islands.
At Russia strategic allies it: India and China. We: Russia, China and India mutually we last to each other. Our coalition is already generated. The truth Chineses and Hindus dislike each other, but with Russia these countries do not have conflicts. About friendly exclamations to create the union between these three countries, you can read everywhere on youtube, having typed in word search: Russia China India
For example comments here
North Korea and Iran are as military allies of Russia.
Absolutely love Russia: Belarus and Serbia.
Very much love Russia: Greece, Bulgaria.
Treat more kindly, than badly Russia: Kazakhstan, Armenia, All Eastern Europe, except for Romania.
Romanians dislike Russian, but it is opened do not show. But, there is a part the Romanian which love Russian.
All Latin Americans (South America + Mexico) love Russian. In Asia the same in general warmly concern Russian.
Muslim world in general well disposed towards Russia (with the exception of Turkey), this is partly due to the fact that the Arabs are waiting on Russian arms sales to the war against the Americans.
Southeast Asia I think that applies heat to the Russian (judging by the interest of this region to the Russian).
In the European part of Russia lives: 75% of the population of Russia. In Russia, not the Russian people (people of other nationalities - mongoloids peoples - notrussian-peoples) live 20%, the remaining 80% of the population - are russians. Notrussian-peoples tatars, chuvash, mordovians, komi, bashkir, buryat, altai, karelia and others. But today's children of notrussian-peoples of Russia did not want to teach their native language, because they do not want, because shy to talk to him. Their languages are dying out. Children talk to their parents on russian language. However, all these people genuinely love Russia, experiencing her patriotic feelings. This phenomenon is possible for the reason that the Russian has never harassed, never used against other peoples of racist discrimination ak at the legislative level and in everyday life - the ordinary people in communication with each other
Only Western Europe + Canada unreasonable dislike Russia.As you have understood according to all available information me to you to references, Russian have everything, in all spheres, Russian not in what area do not lose to any people. Russian in To "continental" Europe stand on 1st place by quantity of blondes! look:БлондиныФайл:Light_hair_coloration_map.png
To Russian there are Scandinavians: Norwegians, Swedes and Danes. And still inhabitants of the Scandinavian peninsula finno-ugric peoples Finns.

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White - Video - Snoobie's Dump

Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White - Video - Snoobie's Dump

The Reckoning is fast approaching

Internally in the land I inhabit, as I now live committed to doing the work for our precious world, the hearts of men, women, and children grow harder and harder, increasingly more wicked as they distance themselves from The One True God that is life as expressed by nature and refuse to do what is right and decent for our own happiness, or they profess in such great numbers to believe, yet follow the instruction and teachings of false prophets and false teachers. They put their faith in men and turn from Goodness. They put their faith in money or their own hearts and refuse to even acknowledge the existence of their own Humanity. The people live in utter confusion and turmoil happy to serve evil. Celebrating in total wickedness, uttering continual blasphemy from their lips and hearts, committing abomination after abomination, elevating sin as if some kind of honor they fear not the horror they bring upon themselves by their cruelties and religious fanaticism and the stench of their wickedness rises swiftly to high heaven. Refusing to heed the warnings. Making the coming desolation happen with greater speed. The leaders, who lie continually, who deceive (like Obama or Al-Qaeda), who encourage idolatry, who embrace adultery, who encourage and make possible the destruction of their own countrymen and women, who sponsor murder of the unborn, who steal and cheat, who have disdain and contempt for our laws,who revile, mock and ridicule the very essence of benevolence, who work day and night against the laws of the land, who toss our foundations aside, and are open in their praise of false religions and profits, which depend on despoiling the land of its natural treasures, while already persecuting true believers of Nature's goodness, and openly turning their back on compassion, and all that makes for peace and happiness, beginning the march towards the end, and the end is swiftly approaching!

Internationally perversity, sin, wickedness, idolatry, and the following of false teachings is no different than in my own land. Reason and compassion have been cast aside and proclaimed irrelevant. Men, women, and children of every land now follow their own hearts, their own vanities, while using their religion to justify their cruelties and stupidity, as every nation, almost every person save for a remnant of righteous, commit act and deed all the day and night long against their fellow man and Nature for their own vain fleeting pleasure. Constant distractions and lying about having no time, yet they have all the time for their wickedness and abominations, yet no time to search out for the salvation of their own soul by reason and compassion, no time to pray, no time to contemplate, no time to read and gain the knowledge that there is to be had! All nations turn against peace and prosperity and embrace and elevate the false prophet, the false religion ~ false as all religions are. Now, in all lands, as in my land, the religion of ancient times, the worshipping of false gods, the gods that only exist in the heads of the zealous fanatics that purport to be in favor with them, and the goddess is revived, the worshipping of the false goddess leading to death is growing, revered, and becoming commonplace. Worship of Satan, that is everything that represents the cruelty and sadism of humanity, or namely their religions, pleases the people. Once good institutions now make way and a place for the worship of the ways of Lucifer, or Evil, and make his minions comfortable and elevated in the sight of men, beginning with the Bible-thumpers who are the true minions of Satan. Rather than worship the Creator, The One True God, The Universe and the power of life that it represents, people of every nation still worship the false god that desert freaks created from their own hallucinations thousands of years ago and then described in the Bible rather than the true Creator of the earth ~ the power of Life.
Vipers slither on their bellies biting all with their lies and deceit, their false Biblical doctrines, their beguiling forked tongues offering up selfish soothing words of destruction. Lies are forged and forced into false truths now followed and believed. Lusts and greed reign in every land. Corruption is the rule. Lawlessness and how to circumvent existing laws for personal gain is the order now pursued. Few men, women, or children of integrity remain. Ethics has become as extinct as being able to trust your fellow man, woman, or child for their perversity and deception take precedence in their lack of character! Their wickedness increases the pollution of every land, and the increasing desolation! They delude and lie to each other and themselves as they follow and worship the ancient false Biblical religions and ways, calling them new, claiming a new age of enlightenment is about to dawn with Jesus Christ at the helm, or Muhammed, or some other long dead false prophet, when in truth because of their abomination, their wickedness, their living in evil and worshipping evil professing peace, deceiving others about the Truth of Our God Life and the Word of Truth and lying about the true essence of creation, because of their perversity and wickedness the day of reckoning is closer at hand!

Over all the world in so-called churches of God, professing to be Christian false teachers gain more and more control distorting, spreading lies, deceiving the flock, leading many astray, and there are plenty of idiots out there to follow them. They bring in evildoers into the midst of the congregation, they celebrate the unholy and false teachings, they elevate the wicked in celebrating ancient arts and practices which are an abomination to our very Humanity and are utterly contrary to the Word of the Truth that exists in our hearts from the time we are born! They are vipers confusing those whose hearts were opened to the innocence and purity and true Love, they are capturing these for Satan in the deceptions and lies they spew from their pulpits and churches, or from the Bible itself. Evil men professing to belong to the one true church living in total perversion and deceit. Preachers, ministers, teachers, priests misleading the flock with vain selfish teachings in false doctrine, false religions, to appease and please, thinking only of their hearts pleasure and boldly, openly teaching falsely ~ but that is what fanatical Biblical zealots have done since the time of Moses. Do they not know they cannot hide from the Truth that binds us all!? Are they so wicked their mind so perverted they honestly deceive themselves they can hide their words and deeds from intelligent human beings who can think for themselves!? They do so because most in our time do not believe in the Biblical God, as it should be, but do uphold the power of life as a Deity! They do so because while they claim to be Christian and capable of ministering, capable of teaching, capable of bringing people to their false Biblical God ~ but they do not believe in Truth, they do not believe in the Truth's one and only Holy Word, they do not believe in true goodness and salvation from within own's own soul! Instead they believe in themselves and the teachings of Satan, which they learned about in the Bible, who is showing them the way to mislead many, have many fall away!

The end has already happened! Only too few are able to realize it. While the calendar and clocks, and the vanities of this temporal life may not have revealed as yet the exact time, and people continue to delude themselves of this brave new age about to dawn, they delude themselves about peace coming, about harmony, and they pervert and corrupt in their extreme conservatism allowing anything and everything - except honoring the Truth that binds us all regardless of religious denomination or affiliation, except the reading and preaching of the Truth of their own perverse wickedness against their fellow Mankind by using the Bible as a cover to commit unspeakable crimes against life itself! They permit any level of wickedness throughout the land and the world, the worst crimes, the biggest thieves, the highest level of adultery, the most perversity of any age! Yet they refuse to allow the pursuit of the way of the Lord! They mock and deny and throw up every stumbling block to those wanting, desiring, needing to follow the ONLY TRUE hope, the ONLY TRUE way, the ONLY TRUE TRUTH - which is the heaven we have inherited with this earth, the heaven that lives through love, in our hearts, The One True God, the Nature that created us all, which is the ONLY WAY to salvation!

As for the prophets:

My heart is broken within me,
All my bones tremble;
I have become like a drunken man,
Even like a man overcome with wine,
Because of the Lord
And because of His holy words.

"For the land is full of adulterers;
For the land mourns because of the curse
The pastures of the
wilderness have dried up.
Their course also is evil
And their might is not right.

For both prophet and priest
are polluted;
Even in My house I have found their wickedness,"
declares the Lord.

"Therefore their way will be
like slippery paths to them,
They will be driven away
into the gloom and fall
down in it;
For I will bring calamity
upon them,
The year of their punishment,"
declares the Lord.

Moreover, among the prophets
of Samaria I saw an offensive thing:
They prophesied by Baal and
led My people Israel

Also among the prophets of
Jerusalem I have seen a
horrible thing:
The committing of adultery
and walking in falsehood;
And they strengthen the hands
of evildoers,
So that no one has turned
back from his wickedness.
All of them have become to
Me like Sodom,
And her inhabitants like

Therefore thus says the Lord
of hosts concerning the prophets,
'Behold I am going to feed
them wormwood
And make them drink poisonous water,
For from the prophets of Jerusalem
Pollution has gone forth into the land.'

Thus says the Lord of hosts,
"Do not listen to the words of the prophets
who are prophesying to you.
They are leading you into futility;
They speak a vision of their own imagination,
Not from the mouth of the Lord.

"They keep saying to those who despise Me,
'The Lord has said, "You will have peace" ';
And as for everyone who
walks in stubbornness
of his own heart,
They say, 'Calamity will not come unto you.'

"But who has stood in the
council of the Lord,
That he should see and hear His word?
Who has given heed to His word and listened?"

"Behold, the storm of the
Lord has gone forth in
Even a swirling tempest;
It will swirl down on the head of the wicked."

"The anger of the Lord will not turn back
Until He has performed and carried
out the purposes of His heart;
In the last days you will clearly understand it."

"I did not send these prophets,
But they ran.
I did not speak to them,
But they prophesied."

"But if they had stood in My council,
Then they would have announced My word to
My people,
And would have turned them back from their evil way
And from the evil of their deeds."

"Am I a God who is near,"
declares the Lord,
"And not a God far off?"

"Can a man hide himself in
hiding places
So I do not see him?"
declares the Lord.

"Do I not fill the heavens and
the earth?"
declares the Lord.

Jeremiah, chapter 23, verses 9 through 24

"The prophet who has a dream
may relate his dream, but let him
who has My word speak My word
in truth. What does straw have in
common with grain?"
declares the Lord.

"Is not My word like fire?"
declares the Lord, "and like a
hammer which shatters a rock?"

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Israel's Independence day

A video message is available here:
Congratulations Israel on 62 years of independence! This is an opportunity to celebrate all that Israel has accomplished and to reaffirm the bonds that unite our two nations – our strategic partnership, our shared values, and our common aspirations.
You know, in 1948, it took President Truman only 11 minutes to recognize your new nation. And ever since, the United States has stood with you in solidarity.
Since my first visit to Israel nearly thirty years ago, I have returned many times and made many friends. And I have shared your pride in seeing the desert bloom, the economy thrive and your country flourish. I have a deep personal commitment to Israel. And so does President Obama. Our nation will not waver in protecting Israel’s security and promoting Israel’s future.
That is why pursuing peace and recognized borders for Israel is one of our top priorities. We believe it is possible – indeed necessary – to achieve a comprehensive peace in the Middle East that provides Israelis, Palestinians, and all the people of the region security, prosperity, and the opportunity to live up to their full God-given potential.
Israel today is confronting some of the greatest challenges in its history, but its promise and potential have never been greater. The United States will continue to stand with you, sharing your risks and helping shoulder your burdens, as we face the future together.

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with cell phones:

About Terrorism and what one dude says about it.

Advice from an Israeli Agent

Juval Aviv was the Israeli Agent upon whom the movie 'Munich' was based. He was Golda Meir's bodyguard, and she appointed him to track down and bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who took the Israeli athletes hostage and killed them during the Munich Olympic Games.

In a lecture in New York City he shared information that EVERY American needs to know -- but that our government has not yet shared with us.

He predicted the London subway bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox News stating publicly that it would happen within a week. At the time, O'Reilly laughed, and mocked him saying that in a week he wanted him back on the show. Unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had occurred.
Juval Aviv gave intelligence (via what he had gathered in Israel and the Middle East) to the Bush Administration about 9/11, a month before it occurred. His report specifically said they would use planes as bombs and target high profile buildings and monuments. Congress has since hired him as a security consultant.
Now for his future predictions. He predicts the next terrorist attack on the U.S. Will occur within the next few months.
Forget hijacking airplanes, because he says terrorists will NEVER try and hijack a plane again as they know the people onboard will never go down quietly again. Aviv believes our airport security is a joke -- that we have been reactionary rather than proactive in developing strategies that are truly effective.

For example:

1) Our airport technology is outdated. We look for metal, and the new explosives are made of plastic.

2) He talked about how some idiot tried to light his shoe on fire. Because of that, now everyone has to take off their shoes. A group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which point, security will have us all traveling naked!
Every strategy we have is reactionary.

3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates.

Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are checking in. It would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel, security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.
Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate. (I.e., Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, big cities (New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.) and that it will also include shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as, rural America this time. The interlands (Wyoming, Montana, etc.).

The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country (terrorists like big impact), involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas.

Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.
Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U. S. Government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts. The world is quickly going to become 'a different place', and issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will become totally irrelevant.

On an encouraging note, he says that Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked. Aviv says the terrorists who want to destroy America will not use sophisticated weapons. They like to use suicide as a front-line approach. It's cheap, it's easy, it's effective; and they have an infinite abundance of young militants more than willing to 'meet their destiny'.
He also says the next level of terrorists, over which America should be most concerned, will not be coming from abroad. But will be, instead, 'homegrown', having attended and been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U.S. He says to look for 'students' who frequently travel back and forth to the Middle East. These young terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't know/understand a thing about them.

Aviv says that, as a people, Americans are unaware and uneducated about the terrorist threats we will inevitably face. America still has only a handful of Arabic and Farsi speaking people in our intelligence networks, and Aviv says it is critical that we change that fact SOON.
So, what can America do to protect itself? From an intelligence perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needs to stop relying on satellites and technology for intelligence. We need to, instead, follow Israel's, Ireland's and England's hands-on examples of human intelligence, both from an infiltration perspective as well as to pay attention to, and trust 'aware' citizens to help. We need to engage and educate ourselves as citizens; however, our U. S. government continues to treat us, its citizens, 'like babies'. Our government thinks we 'can't handle the truth' and are concerned that we'll panic if we understand the realities of terrorism. Aviv says this is a deadly mistake.

Aviv recently created/executed a security test for our Congress, by placing an empty briefcase in five well-traveled spots in five major cities. The results? Not one person
called 911 or sought a policeman to check it out. In fact, in Chicago, someone tried to steal the briefcase!
In comparison, Aviv says that citizens of Israel are so well 'trained' that an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds by citizen(s) who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!' The area would be quickly & calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.
Unfortunately, America hasn't been yet 'hurt enough' by terrorism for their government to fully understand the need to educate its citizens or for the government to understand that it's their citizens who are, inevitably, the best first-line of defense against terrorism.
Aviv also was concerned about the high number of children here in America who were in preschool and kindergarten after 9/11, who were 'lost' without parents being able to pick them up, and about our schools that had no plan in place to best care for the students until parents could get there. (In New York City, this was days, in some cases!)
He stresses the importance of having a plan, that's agreed upon within your family, of how to respond in the event of a terrorist emergency. He urges parents to contact their children's schools and demand that the schools too, develop plans of actions, just as they do in Israel.

Does your family know what to do if you can't contact one another by phone? Where would you gather in an emergency? He says we should all have a plan that is easy enough for even our youngest children to remember and follow.

Aviv says that the U. S. government has in force a plan, that in the event of another terrorist attack, EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, blackberries, etc., will immediately be cut-off, as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated.

How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot speak to each other? You need to have a plan.
If you understand, and believe what you have just read, then you must feel compelled to send this to every concerned parent, guardian, grandparents, uncles, aunts, whomever. Don't stop there. In addition to sharing this via e-mail, contact and discuss this information with whomever it makes sense to. Make contingency plans with those you care about. Better that you have plans in place, and never have to use them, then to have no plans in place, and find you needed them.
If you choose not to share this, or not to have a plan in place, and nothing ever occurs -- good for you! However, in the event something does happen, and even moreso, if it directly affects your loved ones, then this e-mail will haunt you forever.
Telling yourself after the fact, "I should have sent this to so and so, but deleted it as so much trash from old Bill Jones, plus, I just didn't believe it", will not change anything. You were alerted, had the chance to do something, and instead of erring on the side of caution, you chose to disregard, if nothing else, a sensible, valuable warning.

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with cell phones:

Snoobie's Dump Home - Snoobie's Dump

Snoobie's Dump Home - Snoobie's Dump

Friday, April 23, 2010

Make Money Blogging

Most people don’t realize how much money there is in blogging. The
first time I saw people blogging; I thought they were completely nuts!
But that’s until I figured out they were make thousands of dollars per
month. I then figured out I was the was the nuts one…
So now that I know exactly how to make money blogging, and have done it
myself, I’m going to explain to you exactly how they are doing it and
how you can get started too! It’s also extremely easy… Let’s just say
it takes about an hour a day and you’re good to go making a lot of
money online. But that’s only if you know the secret that I’m about to
reveal to you! Most of the people out there blogging are missing out on
thousands of dollars since they don’t know the simple secrets! If you
are one of them, or if any of them are reading this now, I guarantee
you/they will smack their head on a wall multiple times for not
realizing this earlier. The BIG secret to blogging is, becoming an
affiliate to products related to the blog you own, that’s it! Now let
me explain to you exactly what I mean by this… Lets say you have a blog
about training dogs. Now you can place ads on the blog, which is what
most of the people out there do. Yeah, you can make a good amount of
money if you have MILLIONS of people reading your blog, but chances
are, you will never have that. Sorry to burst your bubble. But lets say
you do have 30k people a month reading your blog. If you become an
affiliate of a dog-training product and write a short 300-word article
on it to your viewers, I guarantee that you’ll make a lot more than ads
will make you. The reason for this is because you can earn up to 75%
promoting peoples products. So if the product sells for $100, you’d
make $75 per sale! Out of 30k viewers, you’d probably get around a 2%
conversion rate since they all want dog training information, meaning
you have targeted readers. That’s around $45,000 dollars you’re missing
out on… Now just do this once a month and I think you’ll be happy with
that right? But hey! You don’t have to take the ads off your blog,
leave them on for some extra money. But if you’re not doing what I just
told you to do already, go out and do that right now, if you don’t, I
don’t know what to tell you.
If you want more information on affiliate marketing, and how you can
join my free 7-day Bootcamp, go here now!

Promoting On The Streets

I think one of the least talked about ways of making money online has
to be promoting on the street. The reason is because as soon as the
Internet became popular it was literally kicked to the curb!
Originally, everyone was making money on the streets, either by handing
out flyers, or placing lawn signs everywhere. If I were to tell you
that you could still make money by doing this, you’d probably call me
nuts! Well, if you really want to think that, go ahead because I think
this needs to be talked about. If you want to make a lot of money
extremely quickly, do this, I promise it works! What I want you to do
first is go to a website called ClickBank and sign up (it’s free). What
they do is manage a bunch of different products that you can promote
for a commission. All you need to do is send traffic (people) to that
product page, and if they buy, you make your commission. The correct
term for it is, becoming an affiliate. Now the good part…
Once you’ve done that, the promoting on the streets comes into place.
After you pick a product that you want to promote on ClickBank, I want
you to open up Microsoft Word, Notepad, whatever you use on the
computer to write things. You will need to write 2 sentences about the
product you are promoting, and make it catchy! Make the font extremely
big and bold so that people can read it from far away. Then place your
custom link to the product you are promoting at the bottom of it. (It’s
called your “Hoplink” and ClickBank creates it for you, it’s extremely
easy.) Now after you have done that, I want you to print out about 100
of these. Fold them in half and take them with you on a walk around
your neighbor hood. When you’re walking, place them on the windshields
of parked cars… After you’ve run out, go home and log into you
ClickBank account later that night. I guarantee you’ll be surprised!
This is exactly how I started affiliate marketing. I know you’re
probably thinking that this would never work and that it’s a waste of
time. Well let me tell you something. When I used to do this, for every
100 I would hand out, I’d get around 10 people buying. So lets say that
I received $50 a sale. I would make $500 dollars every time I’d go out
and do this! Sounds a little more appealing now, right? So go out and
do this, I promise you if you just try it, you’ll start seeing great
results immediately. If you want more tips like this about affiliate
marketing, I highly suggest you join my free 7-day Bootcamp where I
explain exactly how to make money with affiliate marketing, from
scratch! And it’s free, what’s better than that?
Check it out here:

Affiliate Marketing Intro

any people don’t know that it’s possible to make a living online, or
at least a good extra income. Most think you have to have to go to
college and have a great job to make a lot of money these days. Well if
you think that way, I’m about to really surprise you, and show you
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

You Know what Frosts my Weenie #1 - Snoobie's Dump

You Know what Frosts my Weenie #1 - Snoobie's Dump

USA- Russia Relations--State Department Release

The United States and Russia in a New Era: One Year After "Reset"

William J. Burns
Under Secretary for Political Affairs
Center for American Progress
Washington, DC
April 14, 2010

Thank you for that kind introduction. I’m truly honored to be at the Center for American Progress, whose commitment to renewing America’s global leadership I deeply admire. I can’t think of a better forum for offering a few reflections on relations between the United States and Russia. Nor can I think of a better moment to take stock, a little over a year after President Obama launched an effort to “reset” our relationship with Russia, and just days after he and President Medvedev signed an historic arms control agreement in Prague.
Let me acknowledge at the outset my own abiding interest in relations between Russia and America. During the course of my checkered diplomatic career, including my most recent posting in Moscow, as U.S. Ambassador from 2005 until 2008, I have seen many ups and many downs in our relationship. Along the way, I have no doubt made my own share of missteps and misjudgments. I have learned that few things come quickly or easily in our relationship; that interactions between Russia and America are often an uneasy mix of competition and cooperation; and that navigating past the mistrust and misapprehensions of the past will take considerable time and effort, from both of us. But I have also learned to deeply respect Russians and their history, culture and language; to realize how much we have to gain by working together on the main challenges of a new century; and to understand that opportunities are unfolding before us that far outweigh our differences. Rarely has there been a time when getting relations right between our two countries, and between our two societies, mattered more than it does today.
Where We Were
I’ll start by taking a quick look backward. By the end of 2008, in the wake of the Russia-Georgia war, relations between the United States and Russia were as sour as they had been in more than twenty years. Mutual frustration obscured mutual interest. A steady adversarial drift threatened to lead us down paths that were neither in our own interests nor in those of the wider international community. Americans believed that Russians were too quick to assume the worst about American motives, and prone to bully their neighbors and manufacture images of enemies at the gate to justify over-centralization of power at home. Russians believed that Americans were too quick to lecture and preach, and prone to double standards; they were becoming convinced that Americans were fundamentally uncomfortable with the reemergence of Russia as a Great Power and determined to constrain it. While U.S. and Russian officials rightly noted that there was no ideological basis for a “new Cold War,” we lacked the diplomatic architecture, the political and economic ballast, and most of all the basic trust, that might have helped manage differences and preserve perspective. It was, all in all, an unhappy mix.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton came to office without illusions about our difficulties with Russia or the complexities of our relationship, but with a firm commitment to making a fresh start. Their approach was guided by several assumptions.
First, and perhaps most obvious, Russia and the United States matter to one another, and how well or how poorly we manage our interactions matters to the rest of the world. The two of us control more than 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons, and our leadership can do more than anyone else’s to help secure nuclear material globally and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Russia is today the world’s biggest producer of hydrocarbons; America is still the biggest consumer. We are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Russia sits astride Europe, Asia and the broader Middle East – three regions whose future will shape American interests for many years to come. And in an era in which common challenges – nonproliferation, climate change, energy security, the struggle against terrorism, and many more – demand common action more than at any other period in human history, the United States and Russia have a lot more to gain by working together than by working apart. As President Obama put it in Moscow last July, “on the fundamental issues that will shape this century, Americans and Russians share common interests that form a basis for cooperation.” And the President made clear that “America wants a strong, peaceful and prosperous Russia,” acknowledging that only if Russia “occupies its rightful place as a Great Power” can we achieve the partnership on key strategic issues that we both need.
Second, mutual respect must underpin a fresh start in relations. For America’s part, that means acknowledging the greatness of Russia’s contributions to human civilization over the centuries, in literature and science and many other fields. It means understanding what more its immensely talented people can contribute in the future. It means understanding what Russians have endured, in the unimaginable brutalities of Stalinism, in the enormous sacrifices that we honor once again in this year’s 65th anniversary of our collective victory over Fascism, and in the troubles and humiliations that flowed after Soviet Communism collapsed of its own contradictions. And it means understanding that Russia is still in the midst of a complicated transition, still coming to terms with itself after hundreds of years of empire, 70 years as an ideological warrior, and decades as a military superpower. Mutual respect does not, however, mean that we cannot speak plainly about our disagreements. We can, and we do, on questions ranging from human rights to Russia’s neighborhood, where we will continue to urge the same respect for the sovereign choices of Russia’s neighbors that we will accord to Russia’s own sovereign choices.
Third, it’s important to build a structure for our relationship, based not only on personalities and rapport amongst leaders, but also on institutions and practical mechanisms at every level. As George Kennan once put it, the business of diplomacy and of advancing our interests with other countries is a little like tending a garden, with painstaking cultivation of a range of connections and common concerns, and careful attention to the weeds and differences that often obstruct progress.
And finally, we assumed that it was possible – indeed, essential – to try to pursue each of the issues before us on its merits. We were not so naïve as to think that areas of agreement and common ground could be fully insulated from areas of disagreement and friction, but our starting point was that problems in one area of our relationship should not preclude progress in others. In a more mature relationship between Great Powers, even one with all the historical baggage that Russia and America bring, we ought to be able to build on shared interests while not pulling our punches on differences, and take steps that benefit both of us without grand bargains or tradeoffs that come at the expense of others. That is admittedly easier said than done, but it’s the spirit and mindset in which the new Administration approached a badly broken relationship with Russia.
Where We Are
At the beginning of 2010, we are in a significantly better place with Russia than we were at the beginning of 2009. Many challenges and difficulties remain, and we have a great deal of work to do together to widen and strengthen the base of cooperation, but we’ve made a promising start.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton have both invested substantially in relations with Russia, and made it a high priority. The President’s meeting with President Medvedev in Prague last week was their seventh face to face discussion in a little more than a year; they’ve had some sixteen substantive phone conversations over the same period, and have developed a very effective pattern of communication. The same is true of Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Lavrov, and of U.S.-Russian contacts at many other levels. All this diplomatic effort has produced practical results. Let me describe briefly a few of them.
The first is renewed nuclear leadership by Russia and the United States. The new START agreement signed by President Obama and President Medvedev in Prague on April 8 enhances American security, reduces the threat of nuclear war, and sets a powerful example of responsible U.S.-Russian leadership in managing and reducing our remaining nuclear arsenals on the eve of the NPT Review Conference in May. New START reduces the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads on each side by roughly 30%, from the upper limit of 2200 in the Moscow Treaty of 2002 to 1550. The allowable number of nuclear delivery vehicles will be reduced from the existing START level of 1600 to 800, with no more than 700 deployed at any one time. The new treaty contains modernized and streamlined verification and transparency measures that will build confidence and predictability on both sides. It does not constrain our own capacity to pursue missile defense programs. New START continues the vital work of arms reductions pursued by Administrations of both parties since the end of the Cold War, a moment when Russia and America together deployed some 20,000 strategic nuclear warheads.
Russia and the United States have also led the way in the crucial work of safeguarding nuclear materials. Building on the vision and determination of Senator Richard Lugar and former Senator Sam Nunn, we have helped Russia improve security at its facilities. The U.S. and Russia lead the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, whose critical task was strongly supported at this week’s Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Yesterday, Foreign Minister Lavrov and Secretary Clinton signed a new bilateral agreement that will dispose of 34 metric tons each of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make some 17,000 nuclear weapons.
Even as we have worked to reduce our nuclear arsenals and safeguard nuclear materials around the world, Russia and America have increased our cooperation to ensure that other countries do not acquire nuclear weapons. We are both key partners in the Six Party talks, and resolute in our determination to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. And we are equally committed to holding Iran to its international responsibilities and preventing it from developing nuclear weapons, which would have catastrophic consequences for stability in a part of the world that matters enormously to both of us, and to the global economy. We have worked painstakingly from the beginning of the new Administration to build a habit of close consultation with Russia, along with our other partners in the P5+1 group which leads international diplomacy on the Iranian nuclear issue. We collaborated carefully with Russia on a creative confidence-building proposal regarding the Tehran Research Reactor, which the IAEA offered to Iran last autumn. We constructed this proposal with Russia in the sincere hope that it would be something to which Iran could say “yes.” It would have met an Iranian humanitarian need; enabled the Iranian leadership to offer tangible proof of the exclusively peaceful nature of its intentions, by using much of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium for a clear civilian purpose; and in the process it would have provided time and space for serious negotiation. The TRR proposal was meant both to test Iran’s intentions, and to invest in partnership with Russia.
After an initial positive reaction to our joint proposal in early October in Geneva, Iran’s actions have been uniformly negative. We and the Russians, along with the Chinese and our European partners, have begun serious work on a new UNSC sanctions resolution, aimed at taking intelligent, targeted measures to try to change the calculus of the Iranian leadership and produce the negotiated resolution to which we remain committed. That level of cooperation was unimaginable in the depths of U.S.-Russian acrimony at the end of 2008; while we will no doubt continue to have our share of tactical differences, we have come a long way in a relatively short time in our efforts together on Iran.
A second area of significantly improved cooperation is fighting violent extremism and resolving regional conflicts. The attacks on the Moscow Metro two weeks ago are a horrific reminder of what we have both suffered at the hands of terrorists, and of our common stake in defeating them. We have stepped up joint work among our intelligence and law enforcement authorities, and reinvigorated our Counterterrorism Working Group. At the same time, Russia has become a much more active operational partner in the collective effort to help stabilize Afghanistan, and prevent violent extremists from regaining a platform there from which they could once again threaten all of us. We negotiated an unprecedented military transit accord with Russia last spring, providing a new air corridor which now averages two flights a day, transporting nearly 20,000 American troops to Afghanistan so far. Most of those flights transit the Manas facility in Kyrgyzstan, an arrangement which remains of fundamental importance to our shared objectives in Afghanistan. We have stepped up counter-narcotics cooperation, also a crucial common interest. And Russia is exploring ways in which it can contribute to Afghan economic recovery, for example by supporting a joint assessment team to visit the Salang Tunnel.
We have worked well together on other regional conflicts. Russia hosted a valuable Ministerial meeting of the Quartet last month, and remains an important partner in the long and often frustrating struggle to foster Arab-Israeli peace. We have also been effective partners in encouraging reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia, and in promoting diplomatic progress on Nagorno-Karabakh.
A third advance is the creation of a new structure for more systematic cooperation between us, the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. Overseen by Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Lavrov, the Commission now includes some 16 working groups, spurring engagement and new ideas for partnership that go well beyond the traditional Cold War confines of arms control and security. The working groups have already stimulated a number of creative initiatives, on mutual interests ranging from energy efficiency to youth sports exchanges to health care to university partnerships to preserving the Arctic environment. A delegation of CEOs from leading American technology companies just returned from a long trip to Russia, excited by the prospects for cooperation in innovation, and full of new ideas for using social media to promote better governance, combat trafficking in persons, and improve education and health care. Much more is possible in the months and years ahead.
Many hard challenges obviously remain in the U.S.-Russian relationship, alongside the considerable gains of the past year. We disagree fundamentally about the situation in Georgia, and the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Each of us has genuine concerns for the regions closest to our borders, but 21st century values and expectations -- and not 19th century views about spheres of influence -- should drive a frank dialogue over our interests in the world as a whole, as well as in areas closer to home. Even as basic differences persist, we both have an obligation to help ensure that tensions do not erupt into violence again.
The United States will also continue to be plainspoken and unapologetic about our interest in universal human rights, and our conviction that democratic institutions and the rule of law are the keys to unlocking the enormous human potential of Russia, America and any other society in the 21st century. We make those arguments with humility, and well-aware of our own considerable imperfections. Winston Churchill once remarked that ”what I like most about Americans is that they always do the right thing in the end … it’s just that they always like to exhaust all the alternatives first.” Churchill had a point; we make our share of mistakes, as recent history will attest. But our institutions, and our commitment to freedom of speech and equal administration of justice, have helped us correct those mistakes, and guard against corruption and abuse of power. We do not seek to impose our system on anyone else, but we do believe firmly, as President Obama put it in his speech to the New Economic School in Moscow last July, that “the arc of history shows that governments which serve their own people survive and thrive … governments which serve only their own power do not.”
Russia will make its own choices as it seeks to modernize, innovate, diversify beyond hydrocarbons, and compete effectively in a new century. It will not be easy to translate into practice President Medvedev’s admirable emphasis on fighting corruption, empowering civil society and building respect for rule of law – especially against a backdrop in which the murders of seven journalists in 2009 go unpunished, a high-profile lawyer apparently dies of neglect while being held in pre-trial detention, and peaceful expressions of dissent are met with intolerance. Russians, in my experience, generally contain their enthusiasm for the preachy and patronizing tone which we have sometimes employed on these matters, but that doesn’t mean that we should shy away from expressing our concerns. And far more importantly than what Americans think, it is deeply in the self-interest of Russians and their future to address all of those challenges.
The Road Ahead
Alongside the concrete accomplishments of the past year, the atmospherics of bilateral relations are improving. Pollsters report that over 50% of Russians now have a positive view of the United States, compared to around 30% at the end of 2008. But we will not sustain that progress unless we build on the foundation which has been laid, and widen the arc of cooperation. We need a relationship that is about more than New START and nuclear security, important as those issues are. We need a relationship that connects us more actively and intimately on the other great challenges before us in the 21st century, from economic modernization to climate change and energy security. And we need a relationship that connects our societies, and especially our young people, in ways that can help shape a more hopeful future for both of us.
Nowhere is that task more important in 2010 and the years beyond than in economic cooperation. The truth is that this is one of the most under-developed areas of our relationship. In the wake of the battering that we’ve both taken during the global economic crisis, it’s time to consider a more ambitious approach to strengthening our economic ties. In his state of the federation address last November, President Medvedev acknowledged that Russians have not freed themselves from a “humiliating dependence” on raw materials exports. Just as importantly, he cited Russia’s weak rule of law and pervasive corruption as anchors on Russia’s economic performance and potential. He noted that Russia remains the only G20 member outside the World Trade Organization, which serves neither Russia’s long-term interests nor those of the rest of us. Both President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin have pointed to demographic decline as another serious impediment to Russia’s revival. That is hardly an academic problem for the barely 30 million Russians living east of the Urals, in all of the vastness of Siberia and the Russian Far East, sitting on just about everything in the periodic table of elements.
It is very much in the interests of the United States to contribute to Russia’s economic modernization, to its full integration into international economic institutions like the WTO and OECD, and to the full development of its remarkable resources – not only those in the ground, but especially those in the minds and intellects of its talented people. Two way trade between our countries was a paltry $24 billion last year, with two way investment even smaller. We can, indeed we must, do better, as Prime Minister Putin and Secretary Clinton discussed in Moscow last month. Major American firms like Boeing, Alcoa and Microsoft have expanded investments as a sign of confidence in Russia’s long-term health, and the long-term promise of our economic relationship. Russian interest in the American market is rising, reflected in Aleksey Mordashov’s multi-billion dollar bet on the U.S. steel industry. It is worth it for both of us to take a hard look at how we might reenergize Russia’s WTO accession bid, despite the considerable complications posed by Russia’s decision to enter into a customs union with Kazakhstan and Belarus, both of whom are also still outside the WTO. And it is long past time to repeal the Jackson-Vanik amendment, which has long since served its original purpose.
The visit to Russia of the American innovation delegation that I mentioned earlier highlights the promise of mutually-reinforcing, knowledge-based sectors in both our economies, essential to building a multi-dimensional relationship with Russia that takes us beyond the confines of government ministries. The tens of thousands of Russians who live and work in Silicon Valley, and the steadily increasing pool of young, tech-savvy entrepreneurs in Russia, are evidence of what Russia has to offer, and of the possibilities for much greater cooperation in science and technology. Energy efficiency is another area in which both of us have a lot to gain by working together. Russia can save significantly if it reduces wasteful gas flaring and increases commercial energy conservation, and we can jointly develop the technology and practices to help make that possible. We can also do more together to pursue clean, renewable energy sources. Civilian nuclear cooperation is an area of particular promise, and reviving the effort to seek Congressional approval of the 123 agreement signed by Russia and the United States two years ago would be a concrete, positive step. Progress along these fronts would help Russia reduce carbon emissions, and help it protect the hugely important clean water and forest resources of Siberia.
As we seek to expand the base of the Russian-American relationship, and begin to put into it more of the economic ballast which is such a critical feature of some of our other Great Power relationships, we must also obviously continue to preserve and build upon the progress we’ve made in security and other areas over the past year. We have tough work ahead of us to sustain our partnership on Iran. We need to use New START and the successful Nuclear Security Summit as a springboard to strengthen the global nonproliferation regime at the NPT Review Conference, and set a careful agenda for further arms reductions.
Missile defense, which has been a source of such suspicion and tension between us, can instead be a transformative opportunity for the United States and Russia. Our two countries have devoted more study and resources than any other to defending against the threat from ballistic missiles. We have much to learn from each other. We have already begun a joint threat assessment. It would make sense to take a fresh look at the Joint Data Exchange Center initiative which we began a decade ago. And we can explore practical steps toward cooperation on missile defense, consistent with the new phased adaptive approach of the Obama Administration.
We have a chance to build better understandings on European security issues, preserving mechanisms which have worked well in the past and taking up President Medvedev's call to examine ways of improving transparency and preventing conflict. There is more we can do together on Afghanistan, and in counter-narcotics cooperation. We can enhance bilateral cooperation on disaster relief and emergency situations, and use that as a stimulus for wider multilateral cooperation, including through the G8. We can do much the same in expanding the G8 Global Partnership, completing ongoing projects to secure nuclear and chemical materials in Russia, and applying the lessons we’ve learned to other countries. We can further develop our partnership in the Arctic. We can focus more attention on our trans-Pacific connections, pursuing the possibility of a shared heritage area across the Bering Strait, designating protected parklands on the coasts of Alaska and Chukotka. We can continue the cooperation in space which our two countries have led for so many years. And we can seek to expand exchanges among students, athletes, scientists and artists.
A Final Note, and A New Start
John Maynard Keynes once wrote that “the difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas, as in escaping from old ones.” The past has indeed been a heavy burden on the future of relations between Russia and America, from the complex inheritance of Cold War animosity to the perceived humiliations of the 1990s to the adversarial drift that emerged at the end of the last Administration. Over the past year, President Obama and President Medvedev have made a promising new start, beginning to move beyond past frustrations and grievances, and producing tangible results. The New START agreement which they signed in Prague six days ago is the most impressive, and most fittingly named, example.
There is certainly much that is tentative and fragile about that progress. Sustaining a positive direction will take continued hard work, and a strong mutual commitment to widen our cooperation beyond nuclear and security issues, and to invest broader contacts with deeper content. The concept of “reset” carried with it the misleading notion that the slate could be wiped clean with the push of a button, starting anew unburdened by the past. Reality, of course, is a little more complicated. But for the first time in a long time, the possibilities before us outnumber the problems. That is a very good thing for Russians and Americans, and for the entire world.
Thank you.
The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department.
External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

Snoobie's Dump Home - Snoobie's Dump

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a
New York


It was sent

a medical doctor -
Make sure to read what is in the closing statement


Have you ever

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a

butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the

You better slow down.

dance so

Time is short.

The music

Do you run through each day


When you ask How are you?

Do you hear

When the day is done

Do you lie
in your

With the next hundred chores

Running through
your head?

You'd better
slow down

Don't dance so

Time is

The music won't

Ever told your

We'll do it

And in your

Not see


Ever lost

Let a good
friendship die

Cause you
never had time

To call
and say,'Hi'

better slow down.

Don't dance
so fast.

is short.

The music won't

When you run
so fast to get somewhere

miss half the fun of getting

When you worry and hurry
through your

It is like an unopened


Life is not a

Do take it

Hear the

Before the song is



Dear All:
PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -
even to those you don't
know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon
leave this world
due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left
to live,
and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to

live their life to the fullest, since she never will.

never make it to prom, graduate from high school,
or get married and have a
family of her own.

By you sending
this to as many people as
possible, you can give her and her family a
little hope, because with every name
that this is sent to, The American
Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name
to her treatment and recovery
plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know
that we can at least send
it to 5 or 6. It's
not even your money, just

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

Snoobie's Dump Home - Snoobie's Dump

Snoobie's Dump Home - Snoobie's Dump

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Forrest Gump - Main Theme - Piano / Klavier Solo

Religion and Faith Comparative Religions Focus Group 1 CHILDREN OF ANGER Network Complete

I believe in the message of the quaint and sweet verses we read in the Bible or other religious sources, but I don't believe in them---that is, I do not believe they came from God or any supernatural source---Just like the Bible was written by MEN {and a couple of women}, all this other stuff we get though other references is the work of Mankind.
Because love and spiritual and emotional comfort are things that go beyond nature and touch the heart and mind, Man has sought fit to attach a divine, or supernatural source to their origins, and like the common folk are naught but sheep and willingly allow themselves to be guided by the lions and wolves among us, the average people throughout the centuries have gobbled up religion and the claims of their leaders that it all came from an almost human, always angry God, that gets very impatient with his children when they don't behave, but instead of spanking them, he sends plagues, terrible storms, horrible diseases, destroys cities or just sends us to burn in hell for doing things we had no idea were sins.

Little could the average people feel and reach out to animals and birds, that they too feel and possibly, with their instincts, understand love by how you treat them ~ we have all experienced this with our pets, and how they give back the love, tenderness, sweetness and devotion we give them.
Thus, like the wise people say, Mankind is really a feeling animal that just happens to think.
Unfortunately, History has shown that the common people over the centuries have done very little thinking on their own, choosing instead to blame those they themselves had elected to think on their behalf.
Hitler, reputedly, had an engraved enamel platelet on his desk that read:
How fortunate for us that the common people do not think.
Well, The Church discovered that secret thousands of years ago, and has been fooling the people ever since, and the Muslims have been doing the same since Mohammed had flown to Heaven {while Jesus was out chasing boys, just like some Biblical Michael Jackson, and calling them his ¨apostles,¨ Mohammed, in between losing himself in a cave to write down his suryahs, was out paying girls to take off their veils for his singular pleasure}.

We are so fortunate to live in a time when the dark shades of ignorance are being systematically drawn away; that we can consider animals as our fellow beings that share love and loyalty with us; and all manner of education and knowledge are available nowadays to those fortunate enough to take advantage of them, that we might be free from all this hateful superstition, persecution and suffering that religions, especially Islam and Christianity, have committed against mankind and against all Nature; that we might build a truly new religion that instead of turning people against eachother, just like Islam and Christianity have done over the centuries, it brings people together; should use the EARTH as a symbol to work and die for, instead of the cross or the crescent moon; and that makes LOVE the real, palpable God that we can depend on to make this world better for all of us, including all the higher animals---yes, Love is more patient than Time itself; LOVE heals all wounds; Love is ever merciful and compassionate; Love conquers all.
Jesus had a good idea for love, but for the last 2,000 years most Christians and the Catholic church have forgotten about Christ's love, and have emphasized God's punishment by torture in this life, and then burning in hell in the next life, for such stupid things like believing that the world is round, for forgetting to cross yourself when you pass a church, for trying new medicines like aspirin for a headache instead of praying 10 ¨our-fathers¨, or for telling a priest ¨no¨ when he demanded you reach into his pocket and pull on his member, and of course, the ¨worst sin of all,¨ to be gay and love your fellow man. So, even though Nature made you gay, the Church has determined you should be roasted alive for it, like if you were some disease-infected cockroach.
These religious closet-homosexuals, the dogmatic heirarchy, the Inquisition, the militant ¨sacred¨ orders, have been the true Nazi's, the real bastards. They have raised cruelty and hypocrisy to the highest level of human barbarity. {the incredible thing is that I have spoken to many ex-priests and seminarians, as well as my own dad who studied to be a priest, and almost all of them have said that most priests are gays, have had carnal relations with more than one boy, and have often molested children, and the events surrounding the issue of child molestation a couple of years before the last pope, John Paul II, passed away certainly attest to this assertion}.

Would I get rid of the Church, or even Islam for that matter, right away in some terrible revolution?
As a student of history, I am forced to say NO. We must keep using these religions as long as there are no viable substitutes to teach mankind about morality and self-restraint from the base hungers and passions that have brought so much horror to this earthly existence, in full view of the fact that these religions helped to cause many of them over the the millennia. We must keep them for as long as there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who have no education, live by supersition, don't have enough to eat, have no electricity or running water, no television, know nothing of the world around them. As long as a good education is not available to them the way it is for us, and for as long as the common people do not think for themselves, we must continue to rely on these traditional religions to do the job they were always supposed to do, and, in fact, in many corners of the earth, there do exist unassuming and dedicated people who take their religious work seriously and try to spread morality and spiritual comfort to the less fortunate .
These religions at least still offer some comfort, and do some good, like run schools and hospitals, as well as teach Mankind, which is still pretty brutal, cruel, and rapacious, something about morality and decency. Afterall, the actual teachings themselves are not bad, it is the people who have been in charge that have ruined everything so that today people cannot trust their religions anymore.
The American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Emancipation Proclamation, etc, these are very lofty ideals and things that are really inspirational and full of hope ~ they are worthy to live and strive for, but what have most Americans themselves done in the last 200 years? Slavery of the Africans, discrimmination, War on the Mexicans and stealing all their territory north of el Rio Grande, the obliteration of Hawaiian culture and independence in order to steal the Sugar commerce, and then they stole the islands themselves, forced Christianization of the local natives in order to despoil them of their traditions and hereditary lands, the expulsion of almost all non-white immigrants, persecutions, racism, etc., oh, and I almost forgot about the genocide of the native Indians!
It is a sad fact of history that among the first Indian tribes to be murdered, and brought before the gates of extinction were the Patuxet and Wampanoag Indians that taught, and celebrated with, the Puritan Pilgrims the first Thanksgiving feast with roast turkey, over 300 years ago;
Although, as a side reference, it is true that Thanksgiving really was first celebrated by our Spanish Ancestors.
Yes, it is true: The first recorded Thanksgiving ceremony took place on September 8, 1565, when 600 Spanish settlers, under the leadership of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, landed at what is now St. Augustine, Florida, and immediately held a Mass of Thanksgiving for their safe delivery to the New World; there followed a feast and celebration.
As the La Florida colony did become part of the United States , this can be classified as the first Thanksgiving, although it was not a harvest festival.
The Spanish colonial town of San Elizario (San Elceario), near El Paso, Texas, has also been said to be the site of the first Thanksgiving to be held in what is now known as the United States , though that was also not a harvest festival. Spaniard Don Juan de Oñate ordered his expedition party to rest and conducted a mass in celebration of thanksgiving on April 30, 1598.

So, I honestly cannot believe in any of these traditional religions, anymore. They have really screwed everything up, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Invasion of Iraq, Al-Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, The Iranian revolution with the Ayatollah, all the terrorism, all based on religion, and just more of the same that has gone on for more than a thousand years;
Speaking of atrocities perpetrated by religions, did you know that ASSASSIN is originally an Arabic word based on Hashish? Yes, the Islamic priests would drug out their converts on Hashish, then, when they would get sober, the priests would tell them that they had gone to heaven. Next, they would warn the new converts that if they wanted to ¨return to heaven¨ they had to perform something for God. So, they were commanded to go out and kill some non-muslims, or other enemies of Allah, especially Christians, and they would get some more Hashish. Later, they would mostly kill political figures, like some sultan or a caliph they did not like. These convert-murderers were known as Hasheshimi, or, translated to English, Assassin, or Spanish Asesino, and that is why we use the word assassin, instead of murderer or killer, to refer to someone who killed a political figure. It's all true {in case you did not know}.

And yet, in spite of all these reasons that seem to make a case for ridding ourselves of all religions, I do NOT believe in revolutions that do away with the old---they only bring more misery and destruction. History has shown this to be true time and again.
I have to believe in EVOLUTION, that Mankind eventually absorbs more Love, more learning, and I believe in giving more time to the other, poorer and more primitive savages among us to catch up. That still might take many centuries.... though, considering what ¨civilized man¨ has committed in the name of civilization, who is really qualified to separate the truly civilized from the savage?

And, in the ultimate outcome, the only ones who we can really save, if salvation is the object of your goal, is no one but ourselves.
If you give that job of ¨salvation¨ to someone else, you might end up as a Hasheshimi, a member of the Nazi party, a Commie, a gang-banger for the Bloods and Crypts, a terrorist for Al-Qaeda, or, worst of all, you might end up voting for Barack Obama!
... just kidding.
As for Catholicism itself---well, I am reminded of a saying the writer Oscar Wilde wrote: I was born and baptized as a Catholic, and suppose that I will die as a Catholic ....but in between, I do not intend to live my life as one!

Anyway, if I profess interest in the Catholic Church, it is DEFINITELY NOT for religious reasons. Again, since I am a student of history, I have to recognize the tremendous importance the church has had in the last 2 thousand years in the history of mankind, especially Western Civilization, and deeply appreciate the art, literature and architecture that were sponsored by it. I am especially appreciative of the inspiration that the Church gave to the development of Western music. For that, I still participate----but as a student, not as a devout worshiper ~ I leave all foolish piety and hypocritical worship for the religious dumb-bells who have nothing to look forward to; have no knowledge of the wonders and beauty of the world; who have no understanding of what Love really means; who have no capacity to understand the contradiction in going to church for help, while gladly condoning murder in the name of war, or allowing the killing of a dumb kid because he smoked dope, or he impregnated your daughter---most white cops who kill minorities because they ran away from them while in the process of arrest, or had a bag of weed in their car, or for whatever meaningless reason, are said to be regular god-fearing church-goers, so how do you reconcile this contradiction? And, you know this evil goes on everywhere in the world, again, and again, and again.
Yes, religion is for people who have none of the treasures of knowledge or wisdom handed down to us over the ages, and would have nothing but despair and fear if they did not have a Church that promised them that maybe in the next life, which you have to really fool yourself to believe in, it is possible that you might have it easier.
Yes, my parents were devout Catholics, but only because they had nothing else, no higher education, never received real love from their parents or from anyone, and they were often on the verge of hunger and privation, were constantly brutalized with violence, or the psychological torture that if you did not obey your parents or any authority, God would rain terrible punishments on you, and condemn you to hell, thus fear was given instead of Christ's love; they did not see or understand the wonders of world, until they had some money to see them, and they could never understand such high concepts like astronomy, biology, physics, nor even computer literacy, and how many times did my pathetic mother tell me how boring and stupid she thought History was, and that I was wasting my time and energies away by learning something ¨so useless and a waste a time like History!¨.

The Bible itself taught me about the real difference that lies between knowledge and ignorance with proverbs like: it is a sin to cast pearls before swine, thus it is a travesty to share the light of God's wisdom unto the unlettered and unconsecrated.
Wisdom is a fount of inspiration under him who hath it; but the instruction of fools is folly!

Yes, my ancestors were ignorant as a result of poverty and privation, but they were also monumental FOOLS!
... And yet, in their old age, after they had seen some of the wonders of the world, or grew more informed of the world thanks to television and radio, mom and dad did begin to question why---maybe that everything that they had been taught was possibly not all-together true---that there was more to life than what the damned priests and governments, and their own parents, and other liars and cheaters had taught them.

Speaking of faith and devout worship, I wanted to clarify something I wrote in previous paragraphs---that I leave devout worship to the dumb-bells. Well, what I meant is that while I am not a devout worshiper, I am not really knocking down faith and devotion since they are a comfort when we don't have the answers to problems we face all the time.
I wanna make the distinction between FAITH IN WORSHIP, and those that practice FAITH IN REASON. I must express my admiration and great respect for those who all along have demonstrated the attributes of bearing Faith in Reason---you may not have the answers to the myriad problems you face, but having faith in your own abilities, in the general goodness of people you can depend on, and in the carefully reasoned out possibilities available to you when faced with a crisis that does have a solution, gets things done more so than lighting a candle to some obscure saint that has no bearing on your own life, and, furthermore, do not bother to waste time on problems that do not have solutions.
People who place faith in Reason---they are the true movers and shakers of the world, not fools who place their faith in superstitions and supernatural intervention----for too long I was one of those fools, and just wasted a good portion of my life.

That's my alibi regarding the foolishness of religious convictions, which always change according to the expediencies of the times; and the stupidity of the hypocrite severity that authority figures dole out to the ignorant and oppressed masses as punishment for things considered to be sinful during one age, but virtuous in another.

As Shakespeare wrote; Nothing is good or bad ... but thinking makes it so!

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with cell phones:

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Abortion Rights

President Obama said Wednesday that he considers it "very important" that women be allowed to make decisions about their bodies but would not impose a "litmus test" on abortion for potential nominees.

Obama met with top Senate Democrats and Republicans to discuss the process of nominating a replacement for retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, who is stepping down this summer.

After the meeting, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said they had discussed "no names." But both said they had held separate, private conversations with the president about specific candidates -- which they declined to describe.

Also at the meeting were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking Judiciary Committee minority member. Vice President Biden also attended.

White House officials have said the process of nominating Stevens's replacement will take several weeks, with a candidate announcement possible in late May. But there are indications it is moving more quickly. Obama has had several conversations with potential picks, people close to the process said.

Obama said Wednesday that he was confident he would meet the self-imposed deadline of May 26, adding that he and his advisers "hope maybe we can accelerate it a little bit so that we have some additional time" for the confirmation.

Obama praised Stevens, then allowed reporters to pose a single question.

Asked whether he would nominate a candidate who did not support abortion rights, he replied: "You know, I am somebody who believes that women should have the ability to make often very difficult decisions about their own bodies and issues of reproduction. Obviously this has been a hugely contentious issue in our country for a very long time. I will say the same thing that every president has said since this issue came up, which is I don't have litmus tests around any of these issues."

Obama continued: "But I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights, and that includes women's rights. And that's going to be something that's very important to me, because I think part of what our core constitutional values promote is the notion that individuals are protected in their privacy and their bodily integrity, and women are not exempt from that."

Obama also said he was "confident that we can come up with a nominee who will gain the confidence of the Senate and the confidence of the country, and the confidence of individuals who look to the court to provide evenhanded justice to all Americans."

So, how do you predict the eruption of a volcano?

The year of the earthquake has suddenly become the year of the volcano.

The eruption in Iceland is not large as volcanoes go, but the cloud over Europe has shed light on the awkward overlay of human commerce and a hot, churning, unpredictable Earth. It raises the question of what governments can do to prepare for -- and adapt to -- wild-card geological events that not only affect airliners but can also alter the planet's climate for years at a stretch.

The volcano with the difficult name of Eyjafjallajokull is not powerful enough to change the climate -- it has ejected material only as high as about 20,000 feet and would need to launch the ash to at least 33,000 feet to have global climatic effects, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Now airports are beginning to open again in Britain and the Netherlands, but no one can be entirely sure what will happen next in Iceland. Eyjafjallajokull could incite an eruption of its larger neighbor, Katla, which hasn't erupted since 1918 and might be ready to rumble. In all three historically recorded eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull -- in 920, 1612 and 1821 -- Katla erupted soon thereafter.

"The eruption that's going on right now is small in comparison to what we expect Katla would be like," said Jay Miller, a volcanologist at Texas A&M University.

Events in recent days have demonstrated the inherent uncertainties of volcano science. Although volcanoes are far more predictable than earthquakes, they remain quirky, with each one having its own personality. Scientists rely primarily on past performance to predict future activity for any given location. The Iceland volcano initially produced little ash, but a new vent opened beneath a glacier and the situation turned explosive. What precisely happened is still being researched, but it appears that meltwater and magma produced steam quite suddenly and the volcano popped its top like a shaken soda bottle.

No one knows how much material will be ejected, or how high into the atmosphere it will travel. Scientists using computer models are frantically trying to track plumes of ash that become widely and chaotically dispersed even as new ones shoot up. No one knows whether the ash will reach the airspace over the United States and affect domestic travel, though that doesn't seem to be an imminent threat. The ash has reached eastern Canada, however.

"I think there might be some nicer sunsets by the end of this week over North America," said Stan Benjamin, director of the Forecast Research Branch of NOAA's Global Systems Division.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Last Winter Storm

The Last Winter Storm
Whose fears these are no one will say,
Our pride is worldly and will not give sway,
He will not deign to speak of regret,
He will watch as vanity by vexation is met,

My desire must disillusion bear,
And to give laughter the perdition must bear,
Between the wiles of a cynical being,
The darkest impulses in every feeling, motivation in the heart of greed.

He gives his life for greed and power,
To beg the question of the final hour,
The sound sweeps though the silence of all things,
Of easy wind and the melancholy it brings.

The world is resurrected with every dawn,
But I have faith to keep in promises bygone,

And adventures to seek before bidding farewell,
And tears to cry before bidding farewell.

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

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