Monday, May 10, 2010

Servant of the Truth

Early 13th Century, from Old French, noun use of servant "serving, waiting," preposition of servir "to attend, wait upon"

I do not consider myself a prophet. Although I came to this service reluctantly. I never set out or determined on my own to undertake what it is I do here. I was led to do this. Not by my design but I believe by Fate's design and His working in my life in amazing ways. I went through a definite and dramatic conversion after beginning The Children of Anger. I intended to write my heart, sprit, and thoughts about politics, the chaos and breakdown of society, the American and world condition, and about food. I would boldly write to people I've come to know, some I never met, but only knew through email or a past mutual endeavor. I had no desire to blog or be on the Internet. I even made fun of blogs. Self serving. Silly. Narcissistic. Just what the world needed. Another blog I would email, or tell them.

I was prodded and pushed to begin. And I did. I am just a complex man that is very simple. A person with keen observational skill, moderately well read, and never lacking in a viewpoint. I cannot understand people that are given life on this earth and then are so self absorbed, so oblivious, so contained within their small immediate sphere they don't have a clue as to what is going on here. I wrote a lot to a handful of people. With untiring inspiration in an almost nonstop prolific output. And some what I wrote wasn't bad. So some people kept after me to take what I had to say to a wider audience. I balked. Eventually relenting and creating this place you are presently.

A great irony and example of the ways in which this Fate that determines our lives and works is evidenced in how I got to this point. The woman that inspired me to go forth and go my thing has made it possible for me to give up my obsession with death, because I was led by the consequences that my causes pre-determined and gave my life to the wonder completely, for the service of the World and Mankind. As a result, not knowing where this was going, I have been greatly blessed, discovered true believers in the sanctity of the Earth and the Human Spirit to build our bond of faith and fellowship for the sake of true happiness and serenity, and stopped my wandering in the wilderness. I always had in my heart, even though it wasn't written in my words, the connection to what was happening daily in this world to the lessons of History. Eventually the inevitability touched me and it was clear as the rivers must have been in the elysian Fields of Olympus I had to either truly commit and live my faith or continue to hide and concern myself with how men and women that would read writings with such idiotic and mis-informed Biblical reference would perceived me. I lost some people that had said they were friends (who gives a crap? They were never really my friends), but my conviction and faith proved we were not really friends, for the Truth of the Word of Life and the realities of the Earth made them recoil and shrink into the shadows and disappear.

I am very aware. I realize a place a man writes about God, Scripture, and Jesus Christ will not be a highly trafficked place, so that pleases me, yet fools should be exposed for what they are, and there is no fool like a religious fool. I am aware it will make more people flee than flock. Especially when that man exhorts and points to the myriad abominations so readily accepted by the great majority. I am not here for personal glory. For notoriety. For money. For numbers. Heaven forbid! I will leave that sin to the charlatans teaching the false doctrine and fleecing the flock, for which they will answer mightily. Not seeking monetary gain for doing this is something the few people that prodded me along before I began this could not comprehend. They thought even though I would not make much money writing about politics and the subject matter I began with I should advertise, seek out as many venues for income as possible, and receive at least some monetary compensation. Even when I became a truly changed man, with a changed nature, and wrote openly and boldly of the Truth at hand that most cannot perceive, the true lessons of History and the reason and logic of life and reality, and these latter days before vanishing into the darkness I had people still urging me to seek money for my words.

I prefer to be a servant of the Truth and work for it, my reward unmatched by any riches, treasure, or amount of money this world could ever offer to me. My reward will come. I am a patient and faithful servant of the Truth as well as a joyful servant.

But let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them: let them also that love Thy name by joyful in Thee.

Psalms 5: 11

You should see this, I just found this 18 year old making over $389 per day with pennystocks:

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