Saturday, March 13, 2010

Amazement for the Children of Anger

Where has the awe and wonder of modern man gone? The acknowledgement not all things can or should be analyzed and easily explained away? Why is there no, or so little priority given to amazement? We are machine like in our categorizing, and then applying of our limited understanding, frequently done so poorly and in error. Science and technology have modern era people convinced they know so much more than those that preceded us in ancient times, but I fear that when it comes to understanding ourselves, understanding Humanity and matters of inner goodness, of respect for the rights of others we know less, and we are further away from evolving into a truly enlightened species as a result. Our arrogance, our assumption is that understanding and living a life with the demands of a civilized society is easy to comprehend and apply, or that is it should be easy. I have in the past written in personal letters - long ago when I wrote letters - and now in emails how we think we know so much. We are convinced we are so advanced. And yet the collective knowledge and wisdom of every person that has ever lived or is alive, or will live, is equal to one neutron, of one atom, of one molecule, of one drop of water from all the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams on this earth. When it comes to being the best we can be, why is it so hard? We know even less than that one neutron worth the knowledge. We are shallow and devoid of wisdom, desiring instead to find favor with other men and women by means base and degrading. To make the pursuit of excellence, of caring and compassion a fun outing rather than the hard work it is and should be ~ though with love in the fray it makes the burden seem easy. We have substituted evil pursuits created of hypocritical religionists who use religion to stuff their own cruelties up our arses in the New Age Movement as in the Old Age traditions under the guise of Christian faith or any other traditional organized religion or new messianic cult - polluting, diluting, mingling the desires and confusion of the Satan that thrives in their own heads and uses the language of religious piety to misdirect the credulous crowds into churches, new Bible translations, so-called worship services, and the feigned commemorating of holiday's to honor and worship their false gods who represent this actual, living satanic entity dwelling in their hearts and minds! We presume and assume way too much!
We are an abomination that shall be spit out of the mouth of Mother Nature that sustains all of our needs and not see beauty of our own world for the grave errors of our ways, pretending to be good religionists when in truth the same credulous crowd is falling for the same old tricks and trips of guilt and shame and end up doing the work of these Satanic entities with no scruples or decency to speak of, and to add to the falling away, and the speedy end of this world.
Worshiping these false gods, albeit regarded as respectable by the endurance of time, just like an old whore becomes respectable with the passing years, and being a true believer in spirit and truth worshiping what is good and just about our world was never meant to be easy. Only in modern day America must the perpetually spoiled and lazy have everything be easy for them, just like some welfare dependent hypocrites I know of who complain about everything and write silly blogs about religion, and Christ, and are so checked out mentally that now all they do is rail about religion and their own hypocritical notions about how we should all behave. From their jobs, to how and what they eat, to whining if they can't locate the remote control of their large TV sets keeping them hypnotized and sedated.
They complain of the modern comforts they freely enjoy and benefit from while condemning them as being materialistic and anti-spiritual.
We're talking about maintaining and improving civilization! What makes a person think that should be easy? Again, Children of Anger, WATCH OUT FOR THESE HYPOCRITES! They are the true evil lurking amongst us!

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