Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Last and final Quake before the Salvation to come

Written By: Frederick Martin-In-The-Fields

There is folly to be had, and folly comes in many forms, especially in the rantings of a fool, and foolish sayings are recounted for those who have no mind of their own, don't know what reason is, or understand the true concept of Love. This goes especially for unemployed losers who always complain what their government does, but are all too keen to collect massive benefits they have not earned from the government they've just condemned, refuse to work, and then turn to religion to mask all of their inner hatred, envy, conceit and self-delusion with the accepted dementia that we know collectively as Biblical religions.

In this current world it seems a lot to ask of people, even though it really isn't, to use their ocular sense and to see, or their auditory sense to hear, and surely the blind and deaf should be able to feel the roiling, boiling, turbulent world in motion around them? We would think anyone living would be even remotely aware would we not?
Though many believe themselves above such matters, because they must attend to their cell phones, this and that in this ''I'' centric society they cannot feel what lies right beneath their feet. The majority so desensitized and insulated they are diametric to the tale of The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Anderson, certainly few sensitive enough to become princesses and princes in their world of fantasy and self-delusion, especially religious kooks who have nothing better to do than stick their heads up their arses to find the truth to, and the meaning of, Life. They seek simple answers, and the religions give them, leading them to believe that it is all resolved in the so-called the Kingdom of Heaven, where the path and gate are narrow. Our current reality of most people placing their zeal and heart more directed to making sure they devote time to TV programs such as American Idol, rather than taking a fraction of that time to read the Word of God, as the religious kooks would have you do, shows just how divided the different sectors of society are, and shall remain. I have to say I am on the side of those who give preference to some stupid show like ''American Idol'' rather than idle their lives away getting all worked up the coming apocalypse that the Bible has promised them.

If not desensitized and insulated then most like to eagerly embrace and follow the doctrine of the foolish leading them into utter darkness (namely the religious kooks and fanatics) with their beguiling comfortable excuses for what passes for righteousness, their errant beliefs designed to please other men and women and their inane notions of what constitutes their image of a God above what is right for the WORLD.
The path of Darkness: the constant increasing rumblings
While much talk and print space is taken up with regard to the extinction of this species or that, and much nonsense is discussed or written with regard to vain pursuits one of the most vital parts of life on earth is facing extinction. One of the very cornerstones of maintaining a civilized group functioning = Common Sense.

Not only has our society had a major seismic shaking and great loss of faith in ourselves, in progress, in the happiness to be found or made right here on this great planet of ours, we now live in a time when confidence or trust in a person or thing has waned to the point of constant wariness and mistrust. And whose fault is that? The only blame goes to these traditional religions who denigrate the human spirit and ingenuity to make of our world what it should be: a paradise for our children and all generations to come.
There is no faith in the hypothesis. Only the same old faith in pie-in-the-sky schemes proposed by the sexually frustrated clergy-men and fanatical goat-herders of the desert who don't know how to write their own name, but HO! They sure do know when their God is supposed to come to punish all of their ''enemies.''
Ethics went the way of the rotary dial telephone and its demise coincides about the time the rotary dial phone went extinct, and idiots who couldn't survive in the harsh realities of this day and age resorted to old' time religions to rescue them from a creeping insanity. Anyone professing or possessing true ethics is laughed at and called a loser by the arrogant aggression so prevalent in our time ~ namely, that of the clergy-men who have as much sway over the minds of their faithful slaves as did a Hitler or Osama-bin-Laden.
Standards of merit? The bar for standards has been lowered so much with such frequency that one merely needs to shuffle along with barely raising one of their feet to reach the height of our standards of merit in our time, and the lowest are of these Bible-toting hypocrites who, as Long John Silver said in TREASURE ISLAND, have less Bible in them than them who don't!
That is the real horror to be faced by modern man = hypocrisy borne of the religious fanatic, and pederastic, child-abusing priest who rails against homosexuality and pre-marital sex.
Fidelity to a promise or a person? You won't find it in a religion that requires you to empty your wallet before their idea of a God will deign to listen to your prayers. When was the last time someone expected another person to really tell them the truth? Be loyal? Be faithful? Believing their word was their bond and held value and merit? You can't find it among those who call themselves your friends, but only exploit you as a sounding brass for their criticism, anger, reproaches, prejudices and bigotry, and all due to self-hatred!
We live in the meaningless world of religious hypocrites who have to much to say, and too much influence in our modern socieities and must be silenced sooner than later. They say anything and never deliver "Let's do lunch" world now. Lies and loss of fidelity are merely something to brush aside and make excuses over. We're told no one really lies anymore. Just slight misunderstandings or poor communication. No one lies anymore though - which is one of the biggest lies perpetrated on people by people! The truth is, no one lies except those who cry about what liars everyone else is. Well, wake up and drink your coffee before you start making a fool of yourself and alienating would be friends with your simple-minded self-righteousness.
Belief in a God and his man-created doctrines that serve no one but the greedy clergy-men, and which were really written by self-seeking wild-men who just wanted to control the minds of the child-molesting perverts around them, is, fortunately for the rest of us, on the wane, but as long as there is poverty in the world, there will be ignorant fools who listen to charlatans who pose as saviors and will demean the human spirit further by their mad rantings. Those are the material and fodder of the mockers and scoffers to ridicule and revile anyone still having FAITH in the human spirit, in the salvation of THE LIVING WORLD, not pretended gods who live only in the fantasies of the so-called faithful. The Word of Life is what's important, and living with the instruction of what the World has to teach us, not Biblical demons who call the gods of other peoples demons, can make all the positive difference that we need in their heart and lives.

I believe in order to know we must be willing to see and hear. Even the ugly and painful things in this life. But the religious kooks would rather have you believe that exists after you're dead, when you can no longer return to reproach them for having lied to you just before they stole your money, and with your cheerfully stupid acquiescence.
I have read many of the studies and professed scientific results of sociologists and psychologists and see the error of such religious morons that it makes my head spin. They skew the results right from the beginning because people will not be 100% free in their choices, answers, and manners. They'll do anything to denigrate the enlightened, scientific mind in order to maintain their grasp on the power they have over the mindless masses who practically deserve their suffering for trusting the clergy-men and pretended holy-men among them to think for them.

If you want to know who we are as a people, what the majority is really thinking, their behavior, their attitudes a person must wade into the muck and gunk and take time reading the comments sections on various Internet articles that expostulate everything against the evolution of mankind in order to keep tormenting us with their unique brand of religious obscurantism. When people in anonymity can sit in their homes, on a park bench, and believe no one will ever really know who they are, where they are, and from being completely open they express themselves online under the protection of an avatar on the Internet? THAT is the greatest source of TRUE sociological and psychological data that can be had, and now the religious quacks and terrorists have tapped that unique source of information in order to spread their lies and false beliefs along with all the degenerate pornography that the Internet can provide.

Take some time to read the comments and witness the ignorance, the darkness, the misguided imbecility of religious people. Sometimes we need to see what our enemy is up to - and evil is our enemy. Ancient religions with all of their prejudices, hatred of other peoples, fear of other philosophies and intolerance are the truest and most dangerous enemies. Not so we fall into evil, become tempted or enthralled, but so we can become more aware of just how far evil has grown in our world, and how close we are to the end of time on this earth, and all because people refuse to think with the minds that Nature has given them, and instead trust in the dishonest Bible-thumpers. Witness the hatred directed towards the World their own God, they admit, actually created. Witness the arrogance and stupidity, the blasphemy of outrageous proportions that has never occurred in world history played out 24/7 on the Internet by traditional and not so traditional religions of Biblical origin. They are the true enemies of the very God they purport to worship. Because people believe their deeds are revealed in anonymity, and so the evil is perpetuated by Biblical religions and all of their racist antagonisms against all the Species, let alone human races, of the World. While very telling as to the true condition of this rotted collection we call a society, which has too long depended on their excuse for a binding religion for legitimacy, while demonstrating the vastness and rapid growth of evil in this world - growing exponentially by the hour - those thinking they are invisible may be hiding from the likes of idiots and perverts and every other person, but their deeds, thoughts, and how they believe is never hidden from the all-seeing eye of Truth, and the agents of History eventually reveal it all to the evolving and intelligent folk among us.
If you spend one hour a week reading the comment sections on various articles in a wide range of topics you will witness the great darkness, ignorance, and growing evil among our people because too many people still prefer complacent ignorance to the hard work it takes to achieve an education. But, I wouldn't blame them too much---it could be they are just not intelligent enough to think for themselves, therefore they invite evil into their lives and have to suffer the consequences for having done so. I advise conducting this exercise when you are at home and will have time to shower right after ward as you'll need to cleanse yourself after the experience.

The demise of BELIEF.
To believe in the World, in the beauty of Life and Nature, in ourselves and the wonder of the human mind, is one of the rarest things on earth these days. To truly believe and to actually read the Gospel of Creation that is written on the face of the Earth itself, not in some silly mythological book, namely the Bible, written by racist outlaws who, if they were to live today, would automatically be thrown in to the nearest asylum for raving and ranting about the ''coming punishment'' of their hateful and vengeful idea of a God. Yes, always they have to mask their own hates and shame for having failed in life by invoking the alleged sayings of the very angry and cruel god they have come to believe in simply because nothing is left to them in life---just like the Old Testament prophets who ate bugs, and saw visions probably due to hunger and starvation. Heaven knows I have had ''visions of the hereafter'' every time I was dying of thirst and hunger. Oh, and the pot-smoking dopers and other addicts among us have religious visions all the time, and I'm still waiting for the Rapture to come. Let us all live with belief in living to put into practice the instruction of what LIFE has to teach us--- our only real, tangible ''God.''
1. something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
3. confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
4. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.
How many have a source of true conviction? Of their own and not from the desire to belong, fit in, be liked by others? But have a REAL CONVICTION based on a confidence of something not readily or immediately able to prove to others?
How many have confidence in general in something other than the vain arrogance in themselves?
How many truly believe the Bible to be the Word of this God they believe in, and true? All of it? Do not the religious kooks among us approach the Bible like a display of shirts in a department store picking and choosing only what fits and what color you happen to like?
The world, our nation is in need of more seismologists. Those willing to feel and then allow their eyes and ears to be opened to the real TRUTH that seems to escape all who trust in a Biblical religion that teaches nothing but intolerance, racism, bigotry, and down-right hatred for our fellow man. All that talk about peace, love and the brotherhood of man is valid only unto themselves and the idiots who empty their wallets for them.
This stupidity endemic to the religious neo-phyte requires acknowledgment. This requires being humbled and becoming contrite unto the cruel and sadistic hypocrites that come to take possession of their souls. Acknowledging not only the existence of their warped idea of a God, the validity of false teachings, the alleged Truth of their ENTIRE belief system designed only to benefit their leaders, BELIEF in their disgusting mythologies as warped as that dreamed up by the Nazi's, and the acceptance of those realities they will interpret for you since you have no mind to think for yourself. This requires a true change of mind. A true change of heart. This requires repentance. Real, true, honest repentance where you will literally feel the change within you and you will not be the person you were prior to knocking, seeking, asking, and having the door opened to you. You may be a good person and feel the love, faith, hope and other jollity they sell you, but the end result is that they have you in their power, and they will proceed to fornicate with your brain until you drop dead from so much ''faith.''

If you are among the fortunate few to wake up and discover your own brain and heart and send the religious kooks to Hell where they belong, You will only give up a little here to gain everything if you truly repent of your participation in prayerful orgies that use the Bible like a dildo or some other sicko sex enhancer. You will gain life for your soul. Your life while here on earth will improve - not diminish as so many fear and state. You are not giving up anything other than the daily sin and your daily serving of religious-Biblical hypocrisy. You will serve someone. Something. Either Satan or Satan will pay heed to your troubles, because the God they promised you was never around to begin with. Why persist in serving that which leads to death and while here causes such confusion and unrest?
I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for if you were made sorrowful according to the will of Biblical fanatics (and that certainly includes maniacal Muslims as it does crazy Christians), so that you might not suffer loss in anything through the enlightened people of the world.
For the sorrow that is according to the will of charlatans who worship money and the spirit of the stupidity that infects their brethren and other brain-washed followers produces a repentance without regret, leading to a TRUE Worldly, and personal salvation, but the sorrow of their disgusting idea of an all-powerful God produces death.

It is not too late to save YOURSELF. It is not important that you are slow to make good on the promise of Life---that you can have all that you wish if you exercise your Nature-given will and intelligence--- as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
In all the noise, turmoil, distraction, and tugging of this world it is my hope and prayer someone reading this will decide to find a place of solace and quiet, and with faith, in belief, turn to Reason and discover the innate joy within them, and repent of their sins in believing in old time (and false) religions, becoming a changed person, gaining life and casting off death.
It isn't easy. It is not to be taken lightly. It requires vigilance and work. It requires the utmost in sincerity and honesty. Do not worry about the sincerity and honesty towards other people - be concerned about the sincerity and honesty directed towards our World that bore us, cares for us, feeds us, and will do away with us if we keep abusing her.

Perfection on your part is not required. If true, if honest, if you truly repent and ask the Happiness that comes by Reason and passion in what is beautiful about this existence we share, to enter your life you will become perfected in the blood of common suffering, and of ALL CREATION. Not to then freely sin for the sake of your religious master, or to follow the doctrine of a false prophet or teacher (like all mullahs, clergymen and other Bible-toting assholes), but to become a truly changed person serving our World, our common interest, our evolution from survival to the perfection of Living. Following, reading, seeking guidance for life through the instruction provided by Reason, the product of an enlightened mind, and Passion for the very essence of Love, not some angry, brutal and sadistic god the kooks would have you believe in. You must believe and have faith. You must allow yourself to feel, to love and to reason for the sake of OUR WORLD, and our own beloved.
Do not berate yourself for not being perfect. Do not look to others. Do not judge. Take care of yourself, your soul, your condition before you give in to despair and seek solace from some Bible-thumping crud who is only interested in your money. You will never truly be perfect here on earth in your earthly body. True perfection will not come until a person has truly repented, lived their life to please their beloved, themselves, and protected all creatures great and small with the power that Love gives you, and walk the remainder of their days on the straight path, heading toward the narrow gate of a truly happy death that comes with the knowledge that while Love remains in your heart then paradise exists here on Earth, and immortality shall come in the guise of our descendants, and in the memory of those who survive us and carry a loving image of you once your ghost has departed the body.

Embrace life. Overcome death. And know that repentance is not a one shot thing ~ A one size fits all thing. I stumble daily and must seek forgiveness from my own spirit for having turned it over to the mal-intentioned agents of a Biblical religion. I am human, but through the Grace of Time and the Salvation provided by the blood of common sacrifice and love for our fellow human-kind, we can keep our focus on the straight and narrow and be joyous and at peace in our pursuit to clean up the mess that the religious kooks have left and continue to make.
Give it a sincere effort. The alternative really has nothing going for it. I've read the book. It ends badly only for those that believe that if the other refuses to believe, repent, and think this world and what it offers is much more rewarding than a life in serving their sick version of a living god, they might have a chance for salvation.
How sad. It is all folly. .
Yes, There is folly to be had, and folly comes in many forms, especially in the rantings of a fool, and foolish sayings are recounted for those who have no mind of their own, don't know what reason is, or understand the true concept of Love. This goes especially for unemployed losers who always complain what their government does, but are all too keen to collect massive benefits they have not earned from the government they've just condemned, refuse to work, and then turn to religion to mask all of their inner hatred, envy, conceit and self-delusion with the accepted dementia that we know collectively as Biblical religions.


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