Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Failure means to the Children of Anger

For the children of Anger, what is the meaning of FAILURE??

What is the meaning of failure in our lives?
What ever you make of it, my friends!

Yes, we fail because we pay to much heed to the prejudices of others.
We fail because we are taught not to believe in ourselves.
WE fail because we are taught to believe that there is some all-powerful Lord of the Universe who is all too willing to terminate his own creations because we didn't genuflect on a Sunday.
We fail because we are taught fear of some horrible, angry old god who seems to take pleasure from torturing brutally and cruelly his own creations, according to the hypocrites who feed you these lies for their own perverted pleasure.
We fail because there are too many assholes out there jealous or envious of your individual happiness or success.
WE fail because we pay the same assholes too much attention and think they are worth the trouble of dealing with them, but they are filth and must be treated like such.
We fail because we forget they are the ones that have put up the obstacles to our happiness, and then turn around and blame ''God'' or ''Life'', when in fact it was the assholes who did this to you!
We fail because we forget that we can go around obstacles rather than struggle and burn ourselves out trying to overcome them.
WE fail because we think obstacles are living entities actively trying to prevent you from succeeding, but they are inanimate, lifeless, just there barring your way ~ Go around them damn it, who cares?
We fail because we are taught hate before love.
WE fail because we have no love in our lives, and a life without love is no life at all, only fodder for the caprices of terror.
WE fail because we lose sight of our purpose in life for the vanities of empty-headed idiots.
WE fail because we are afraid and have no one to turn to in times of stress.
WE fail because we fear the storms that life rains on us, but forget that storms pass away, and we can seek shelter until they pass.
WE fail because we are caught unready, unprepared to meet life's disasters, and when they come, we are swept away along with the rubbish.
WE fail because we are taught to contain the anger against wicked souls that infect our lives with the vices and venalities escaping from the Pandora's Box they gave you while pretending it is a gift of love.
WE fail because we try and treat evil spirits as one of us, but they only turn around and laugh at our efforts to be good.
WE fail because we lose sight of the human factor in all of our dealings with our fellow humans.
WE fail because these evil spirits only lurk in the bodies of our fellow humans, and when the evil is taken away, all that you are left with is just another human with all the troubles, fears and desires that other humans inhabited by good souls possess.
WE fail because all life is vanity and the struggles and challenges of life serve naught but vexation of the spirit.
WE fail because we forget that we too shall one day die, and all the troubles and worries we had weren't worthy of a second thought.

So, with that thought I depart, and implore you remember the Children of Anger.
WE are here to remind you that, just a like a jalapeƱo pepper, what you do today might just burn your ass tomorrow!
As the philosopher Billy Miles once said: Free your mind and your ass will follow!

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