Friday, March 5, 2010

IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH ~ watch out, Children of Anger

But an hour is coming, and now is when the true worshipers of Justice and the truth that binds all creation to form a perfect universe will come together in spirit for truth and justice.
I have traveled and attended churches in other countries so I can write of what other people in other nations do, or do not do, how they believe, or even if, or what they believe with regard to what they think ''Truth'' represents ~ usually their primordial idea of a creator god from whom all things flow. I also know the basic demographics information available as to predominant faith, population, and so on. But no one really knows the actual belief and practice of faith of other people living three doors down from them let alone on the other side of the earth.
I certainly do not with regard to my immediate neighbors, and so long as they don't screw with me, I really don't care. It ain't my business.
I am most familiar with America, American churches, and American practices having lived in four different states, and traveled through 30 of them, in the course of my life. I do believe in America we have a gravely distorted perception with regard to God and the meaning of religion. This is because we are part of a scientific, technological, consumerism driven culture that places all faith in the basic decency and goodness of humanity against all of those superstitious, backward thinking and down-right bigoted beliefs and behaviors below and beyond common decency that constitute the warped practice of worshiping the fallacious God of many narrow-minded, self-righteous bible-thumping Americans.
Too many people think they know who God is. They are intent or content to relegate God to a Supreme Being. A Divine Personality. Just like them, only a little better. They must have comfortable perceptions rather than reality in America.
Watch out for these people. They always try to brain-wash you, and get you to believe in their singular stupidity which constitutes religion to them. And, they will invoke this ''god'' of theirs to curse you for not being nice to them.(Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord! ~ blah, blah, blah)
What is so terrible about these facts is that there are MILLIONS OF THEM out there ready to steal your soul from you.
Watch out. It could be your own cousin, aunt, or your own spouse that is poised to suck the life-force out of you and make you wish you were dead ~ by making you dream of their idea of ''heaven'', yes, they are making you wish that you were dead.


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