Thursday, March 11, 2010

Live your OWN LIFE

To all the Children of Anger:
Come, seek, walk the narrow and straight path to the narrow gate...and knock and ask in truth and spirit and it will be given to you. And once you find it? Never fall and never let what you worked for go. Do not corrupt and pollute, do not pay heed to the abuse of evil-doers who would trap your soul in the ignorance of their psychological abuse while pretending to worship truth and justice as though they had a lock on each one. A New Age of freedom comes with your resolution to be free mingling with accepted doctrines of decency which are not from Satan, as the drug-pushing exploiters would have you believe, for they only want to lead you to death. They come from the depths of your own soul. Only you know what makes you happy, so long as it does infringe upon, or hurt anybody else. You alone possess the key to your own ''salvation.'' You alone possess the secret to your own happiness.

You've certainly heard someone say "No one ever said life was supposed to be easy." Well, following your own divine conscience, listening to that inner goodness, the ''better angel'', and living a life pleasing and acceptable to no one but yourself is not easy either. The rewards, however, are worth more than anyone or anything else could provide. It is not the only reward of living an acceptable life unto the cause you've made for yourself and freeing yourself of the evil work of the abusers and exploiters, but it is being received into the heaven you've forged for yourself - the rewards while here on earth cannot be compared or equaled by anything else, anyone else. And, as mentioned above ~ a person must live it, do it, apply it, practice it, have it become their nature to know that. We can't just discuss or write about such things.

Enter through the narrow gate which leads to one of the few. Be free and follow your dreams. The Hell with the drug-abusers and hateful exploiters that want to brain-wash you, and control you by making you feel like a turd. You are better than they think they are.
You are a child of anger that will take no more shit from them!

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