Friday, March 19, 2010

Spirit and Truth in the Universe

Ancient people didn't write endless volumes in discussion of survival or spiritual matters as we do. They listened and led their lives in worship of the spirits and demons that inhabited their uniquely interpreted world. And they knew when they fell and disobeyed there were consequences. Modern Americans think they can live any way, do any thing, and if they profess they believe in organized religions transplanted from Asia, they profess they believe, no matter what they are going to heaven - if as self professed Christians in modern America they even believe in heaven anymore, but they are in trouble. They fool themselves with the delusion. But, without the delusion, what is left to us? Only despair?
Ancient people didn't constantly think and attempt to analyze. They lived their lives according to their beliefs. They applied the belief in their deities in their daily lives. In every way they were intimate participants in their environments. And they didn't have this constant need to categorize their tribal deities or everything in their teachings, mostly oral, or to lower spirits of fertility to their level of understanding. Heaven forbid! Nature and all of her minions were elevated by ancient people. They knew they were limited. Humility and the casting aside of self to serve the spirits that watched over them drove them, inspired them, but mostly kept them in check for fear of ghostly reprisals. They were aware they were very limited in knowledge compared to Mother Nature. Not on par with the spirits is something they were all too aware of. They knew they were finite. Temporary. Fallible. Mere men and women and not the creator deities. They would never presume to claim an understanding of their creators, only what their function was in their lives as modern people do since the reason for creation is still beyond the comprehension of mere men and woman. Instead they lived to worship and praise their deities, trusting they would direct their lives.

Modern people are frequently facile in their discussion and thinking regarding modern notions of divinity, or creation and so forth. People of faith profess they believe their deity is transcendent, but then they all too often assume that they know exactly who or what their deity really is and what it thinks, who it loves, what it expects ~just so preposterous, all of it. We with rote and little true spirit, no truth, and little earnestness ask of these creator deities to bless our nation, save the queen, cure the illnesses and afflictions of those we personally know, or to cure some disease within the world, and to make sure it doesn't rain when we go on a picnic or to a ball game. We constantly remind this personal deity we have formed in our minds that it has created the world and that we are miserable sinners, as though these facts somehow slipped the mind of this deity of theirs. Politicians quote, or misquote sayings attributed to their deity to justify their policies and election, or reelection. Terrorists commit atrocities in the deity's name creating great blasphemy upon the murder, pain, and mayhem they inflict. We beg and implore this cruel deity to support "our" side, "our" candidate, "our" team even though our opponents are, presumably, also the deity's children and the object of his love and concern as well.
Again, all so preposterous that I could puke!
For all our professed advancements, progression, scientific discovery, and technological achievements we exhibit and hold very undeveloped spiritual thinking. And we presume people that came before us believed and acted in the same or similar manner. We opted for the comfortable path rather than the straight and narrow path. We have opted to incorporate and pervert the worship of the traditional deity by infusing and mingling pagan and other faiths rituals and beliefs into accepted worship behaviors, especially those related to Biblical religions, the worst ones of all. Colored lights, Christmas trees, gaudy decorations, and going into debt buying gifts for finicky and selfish people is not how the glory of Nature and her changing annual stations should be acknowledged. Why? Because the whole concept of existence without the participation of a deity that is partial to humanity and not objective and detached from Mankind's infirmities and hallucinating bullshit is unthinkable? Deep down inside our brains, rational people understand it is bullshit, so why not have some fun with it! We can't just exist for the perverted from of a cruel and mischievous deity anymore than we exist randomly, created by accident by the impersonal forces that formed the Universe! We've been led by angels and beacons in the sky, not to mention demons, for too long! So as a result everyone now thinks themselves kings and queens worthy of receiving gifts in celebration of THEIR Lord's birth? It is the 3rd millennium of the Common Era, and yet we cling to superstitions for the sake of identity, of defying other superstitious idiots that have found their civilizations upon the same premises of tribal rivalry, which is all about the Bible, and yet would destroy it out of jealousy for this illusory deity of theirs! How tragic is our lot. And they decorate their homes in perverse and gaudy lighting displays because there was a star in the sky guiding ignorant fools that lived their lives by superstition? What a foolish and stupid people we are! What a selfish and blasphemous people we are, just like all organized religions are selfish and blasphemous unto the ideal that is humanity, and the ideals that support existence, like love, compassion, hope and faith!
And as my friend wrote to me...don't even get me started on the Easter bunny and Easter eggs and candy!
The very being of the real, tangible Universe to me, and its bounty, impersonal though its feelings maybe about its very creations, is about inspiration, creation, miracles, amazement, revelation, faith, belief...and great wondrous mystery! We do not need to know everything or understand everything. We must cease this diseased and evil obsession of believing in the lies of organized religions. As people of this modern time we have a right to know. We don't. The Universe is a mystery. the Universe is spirit. The Universe is not a thing you can conveniently fold up and place in your pocket or on your mp3 player to utilize when you selfishly wish.
While we think the Twentieth Century was great in propelling us into some much better world, removing of course the facts of all the wars, earthquakes, famines, economic depressions, atrocities, and painful things - what occurred in the 20th Century to how people view and think of their God and the teachings of their religions went backwards. Because we mingled the rationalizations and science of that time into belief and the teaching of their religion's lies. Even though we may not have been aware. And since the end of World War II and the creation of the New Age Movement people have now embraced and encouraged and even demanded the polluting and diluting of so-called religious worship of Biblical religions with New Age doctrine, dogma, and evil perversity's!
So typical of the religiously deluded.
Life itself is SPIRIT. And those who worship Nature must worship in spirit and truth, but those who worship Biblical religions invite death and destruction. Not in a mingling of pagan ritual and fun in order to keep you awake or interested. We must worship the very elements that sustain us in truth and spirit NOT as laid out for brain-washed fools in the Bible. A translation that occurred and went into print prior to the past 30 years or so, when translations of the Bible itself have been corrupted and perverted to suit the wishes of man and the New Age Movement under the direction of the Satanic clergy and their zealous minions, rather than maintaining the sanctity and integrity of this ever-giving world of ours.
Do not marginalize and analyze the Universe. Do not reduce it to the word of Mankind, or to simple theories of physics down to our level. Instead on a daily basis, with much work, with sincere effort, not seeking the easy way out, aspire to rise up to the level of true happiness to hear and see what each is able to in order to discern Nature's Will in our lives.
We live in an instant, microwaveable, easily explained away, I-don't-want-to-do-anything-that-is-difficult-or-takes-too-much-time-or-practice society that gets about 98% of what it thinks and does wrong. We are a stupid and foolish people. If a person insists on living that way, eating that way, working that way, BELIEVING or living in unbelief that way that is their choice. Their low quality life. I implore people that think it must be easy to be a prejudiced believer in their personal god and their prejudiced religion is on their level to take the time to truly understand the works of Life. Seek the wisdom and understanding that Living can and will provide if you seek the meaning for your own existence in truth and in spirit. Do not settle for the easy. Do not turn to the others and their organized religions of most people who blaspheme by their lowering and trivializing of the powers of the Universe, by their demanding it provide for them what they demand and desire and make them prosper because that is what their false teacher preacher tells them. Do not be one that practices more pagan ritual in their so-called Christian, or any other Biblical worship than they do praise, reverence, respect, awe, fear, and submission to the One True Universe that is alive within each of our hearts, Life itself.
True faith, true belief and practice in the world that supports and nurtures us is not primarily something to think about but rather to do. It takes practical daily action. A person cannot imagine or talk about baking a cake, driving a car, playing a musical instrument - they must take the time, make the effort through practical application and daily practice and or use in order to be able to complete the task at hand.
One of the main problems in Biblical religions, in today's so-called Biblical faith, and everyone - believer, false believer, or unbeliever is that no one can discuss, write, or judge what is true or falsehood. It is through the actual application, the doing, the living by translating the doctrines into ritual and ethical, honest, true action the learning of what is true happens.
Like any skill, be it baking, painting, or playing a musical instrument - true belief and living a real Christian life serving Our world that sustains us requires perseverance, hard work, and a lot of discipline. One of the great problems and why there are so few true believers is because so few are willing to become disciplined and persevere. Too many want everything easy. Nice, neat, and tidy in a little box they can set on a table or shelf. No sweat. No disappointment. No hard work. No setbacks. No reality of failure and having to pic yourself up, brush yourself off, and forge ahead never quitting!
And just like bakers, painters, and musicians they all have different skill levels, different talents, and some become very accomplished, others not so accomplished. Some are downright inept but they still persist and do not surrender or give up. Being a true believer is just like that only so much more. And it takes rigorous and vigorous daily work and daily discernment of what is truly from the World and what is coming from this Satanic compromise we have in Biblical religions and corrupting and causing a stumbling along the way.
Come, seek, walk the narrow and straight path to the narrow gate...and knock and ask in truth and spirit and it will be given to you. And once you find it? Never fall and never let what you worked for go. Do not corrupt and pollute, do not blaspheme while pretending to worship of your personal deity with New Age mingling and doctrine which are from the Satanic clergy that teach Biblical mumbo-jumbo and lead to death. You've certainly heard someone say "No one ever said life was supposed to be easy." Well, following the teachings of the Universe and living a life pleasing and acceptable to the the ways of Nature is not easy either, but the rewards are worth more than anyone or anything else could provide. not only the reward of living an acceptable life unto the Universe and being received into the heaven that exists in mind and in the heart - the rewards while here on earth cannot be compared or equaled by anything else, anyone else. And as mentioned above... a person must live it, do it, apply it, practice it, have it become their nature to know that. We can't just discuss or write about such things.
Enter through the narrow gate which leads to one of the few.
There is no greater gift or sacrifice than the life we have lived, the death we have endured, the Resurrection we have created so that every person could have Salvation, not exclusions, if they come and worship in spirit and truth the mystery and glory that is our ever-sustaining, ever bountiful Universe.

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