Wednesday, March 31, 2010

America is my goal--random thoughts

"Who will ever be found guilty," exclaimed the vehement Delphidius, "if it be enough to deny?" "And who," replied Julian, "will ever be innocent, if it is sufficient to affirm?"

Absence does make some hearts grow fonder, right?
Is America your goal?
It is mine!
Start singing "I want to be in America" and maybe it will happen! It's chilly here--especially for April. It's the best sleeping weather. I love it!

Could I abandon the unhappy subjects intrusted to my care? Were we not called upon to defend the helpless children of anger from the repeated injuries of these unfeeling robbers?
if, in the hour of danger, I myself neglected a duty far more sacred and far more important?
God has placed me in this elevated post; his providence will guard and support me. Should I be condemned to suffer, I shall derive comfort from the testimony of a pure and upright conscience.'' Would to Heaven that I still possessed a counsellor like Sallust !'' ~ JULIAN
'' If they think proper to send me a successor, I shall submit without reluctance; and had much rather improve the short opportunity of doing good, than enjoy. a long and lasting impunity of evil.''

Oh God, I am fighting back the tears of anger, and of nostalgia for America as I write!
But, if things are going so swimmingly, and everyone, even the ones we suspected are against, is treating her so beautifully, it just might lead to an end to this horror of an exile, and a return, a reprise, a parole even, might be in the offing for me.
Even though I would be returning to the same prospects {none}, at least I will be back on American soil, with some hope left over and, with a renewed resolve to make some good on the promise that was my life, I am quietly looking forward to better times {truly I do, so don't get distracted if sometimes I let off some steam of frustration.
But America is my goal,
and all hail to the children of Anger!

see how an 18 year old makes over $428 per day through cell phones... This is the craziest thing I have ever seen.. It's so freaking cool!

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